söndag 13 november 2011

Autumn has arrived, for real. The cold slips underneath the clothes, and your breath becomes a thin, white mist. It makes me slow, and somehow apeased. A perfect song for my autumny mood:

And i desperately need a camera, so i can document autumn before it dissapears...

torsdag 8 september 2011

Retour à l'école

Back to school again. Hello studies, goodbye summer and sun.

Since school started we havn't had any sunny days, just a gray, rainy sky. Quite depressing, I must say.
I was looking forward to wearing shorts and dresses...but I can't without thick opaque tights. Oh well.

But a new school year means new subjects, new energy, new interesting things to learn and -for me- a new blog!

So I welcome y'all to my new blog, enjoy!